Every disease has its symptoms. In some cases, two different diseases share the same signs. This means that you have to go to the doctor to have your symptoms assessed. The doctor would then use the elimination process by using further diagnostic techniques.
It is normal to
sweat and get sweaty. However, anything excessive is out of the ordinary. If you think you sweat too much even under acceptable conditions, you should see a health professional to have the problem addressed. You never know when what you are going through might just be a symptom of a more complicated disease.
Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition characterized by
perspiring too much. It could be apparent in just one body part like the hands, feet, or underarms. Or, it could involve all of your body parts.
To know if you have hyperhidrosis, look for the following symptoms:
1. Excessive sweating on the soles, armpits, palms, breasts or groin.Hyperhidrosis is apparent if you tend to produce sweat on these critical body parts. These are the parts where many sweat glands are positioned. The symptom may be localized or general. It could happen on multiple parts of the body at the same time or on one part alone. While too much physical activitiy or heat may trigger the problem, it may also occur without stimuli. In such case, an underlying medical condition or disease could be causing it.
2. Blue-white or pinkish skin on the affected area.More often than not, the parts where there is
too much sweat excreted tend to develop discolored skin tone. This is most observable in people with fair complexion. Try to check if your palms, underarms, or soles are getting pinkish even in the absence of sweat. This is an indication that you could be suffering from hyperhidrosis.
3. Presence of macerated skin.Discoloration is not the only indication that you have
hyperhidrosis. Try to check the condition of your palms. Is there a presence of fine skin breaking away from the rest? This is another
symptom of hyperhidrosis. It may be evident on the soles of the feet and underarms as well.
4. Skin crackingSkin cracking is most evident on the feet area. It would appear that the skin of your feet is shedding. While you think that this is merely caused by too much dryness on the skin, lotions and creams can't treat it. Most likely, the problem is caused by
hyperhidrosis, especially if the cracking recurs every now and then. Check with a doctor and see how to address the problem.
5. Skin scalingAside from cracking, the skin on the foot area may start to form scales. More often than not, this is also the reason why the skin will begin to crack eventually. Scaling is usually a dehydration problem. In this case, the body's abnormal reaction to
sweating becomes the main reason why your skin tends to become scaly.
These symptoms can be observed in both children and adults. Children are more likely to develop hyperhidrosis than adults. However, they are able to outgrow the condition naturally.
The ones who don't outgrow the disease and those who develop the problem at the later stages of their lives are the ones that are advised to consult with a doctor for proper medication.